Rotary is sometimes described as a family and this is with good reason. Rotarians render Service Above Self in their various communities and doing so while having fun together in fellowship. This was on full display as several members of the Rotary Club of St. Andrew in Jamaica, led by its president Ammesha Brown, spent an afternoon at one of its member’s homes in fun, family, fellowship and flowers.
President Ammesha has branded her year of service, Membership: Continuity in Service and Service in Continuity, placing membership engagement and participation at the heart of her administration. In her induction speech, she set the tone by stating that “I plan to write a new Rotary story, built upon the foundation handed to me, one that will inspire all to continue to be our brother’s keeper.” And this is how we ended up having a wonderful afternoon of fun, family, fellowship and flowers with our fellow Rotarians.
At this point you might be wondering or saying to yourself, I get the fun, family, and fellowship part, those are all business as usual for Rotarians whenever we get together, after all. But what of the flowers, I don’t get that part?
August is Membership and New Club Development Month on the Rotary Calendar and it is a time when clubs typically put some extra focus on their members and so too the Rotary Club of St. Andrew. President Ammesha having heard that one of the club’s long-standing members had a lovely orchid garden decided to reach out and have him as a guest speaker to address the club on orchid care. However, this would be done with a bit of twist in a first of its kind sit down interview. That’s right a taped, edited and presented to the club; as I said a bit of twist. And so, we ended up with an afternoon of fun, family, fellowship and flowers hosted by Abe Pearce, one of the club’s long-standing members (over 30 years), and his wife Margaret.