President's Message
The Rotary Club of St Andrew, chartered in 1966, will celebrate 52 years of service this year.
Over the years, the club has spearheaded and implemented many outreach projects, mainly in the areas of health, education and community development. Some of our projects include:
- Donation of dialysis machine to the Kingston Public Hospital;
- Donation of medical equipment to the Bustamante Hospital for Children;
- Donation of a home for 32 homeless boys;
- Installation of electronic white boards at All Age and Primary Schools;
- Refurbishing of a hostel for girls; and
- Development of a reading software application with locally authored children stories.
We have also contributed to global projects, including the Rotary International - Polio Eradication Project.
Jamaica and the world continue to benefit significantly from our projects.
Our focus for this year, 2018/19 is early childhood development. Education, and more so early childhood education, play a very important role in the development and advancement of a country. This year, the club will spend approximately $2 million to assist the Curlin Johnson Basic School in meeting the national standards set by the Early Childhood Commission. Currently, the school satisfies only 39% of the requisite standards.
Of note, we will also host our annual Senior Citizens Christmas Treat, which will cater to approximately 100 senior citizens and 70 children.
For 2018/2019 we will continue our outstanding tradition of fellowship and service. We look forward to the support of our members and stakeholders as we seek to make Jamaica a better place for all.
“Service above Self”
Yours in Rotary,
Kemmehi Lozer
President 2018/2019