Rotary Club of St. Andrew donation to students of Alman Town demonstrates continuity in service and service in continuity“If we train our youth properly, we need not have any fear as to the future of the world.” — Inaugural Address, 1949 Rotary Convention, New York, New York, USA The Rotary Club of St. Andrew, in its 55th year, has a long tradition of service and community engagement. This was on full display with the generous donation of tablets, textbooks, and stationery items to 6 deserving students of the Allman Town Primary. |
Rotary Club of St. Andrew launches Change for a Change Initiative |
Fostering Membership Growth and Retention: The Rotary Club of St. Andrew A story of Continuity in Service, and Service in Continuity"This is a changing world; we must be prepared to change with it. The story of Rotary will have to be written again and again." - Paul Harris To say that membership growth and retention in Rotary is an issue is an understatement. Our noble movement of over 1.2 million members and over 35,000 clubs worldwide has a long-standing retention and growth challenge. Members are the heart and pulse of any voluntary organization, and a weak heart or pulse is never a good prognosis for a patient. Even with these challenges, Rotary is far from dead. We continue to fulfil our mission to "provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders." |
How I’m using my vocation in my Rotary club
The Wheelchair Club
Fun, Family, Fellowship and Flowers: membership engagement at the heart of Rotary
Changing of the guard at the Rotary Club of St. AndrewMrs. Ammesha Brown, the youngest person to take over the reins of the Rotary Club of St. Andrew took charge of the club from out-going President Audley Deidrick on July 6, 2021.
PP. Robert Drummond rejoins RCSAPP. Robert Drummond has rejoined the Rotary Club of St. Andrew after a few years away from the club.
The Role and Impact of Rotary in my Pursuit of the Jamaican Dream
Why I am a Rotarian
Membership matters, building goodwill, and better friendships
RCSA Literacy and Reading Initiative
Rotarian Nicole's top six tips for peace and conflict resolution |
Ten innovative solutions for peace and conflict resolution |
Tip#3 for peace and conflict resolution |
Tips for peace and conflict resolution #2 |
Vocational Service and You |
Tips for peace and conflict resolution - The Four Way Test |
Rotary reflections Membership month |
The Rotary Club of St. Andrew Reflections: Basic Education & Literacy Month |
Weekly Luncheon Meeting - Membership Development & Inductions |
Weekly Luncheon Meeting - Strategic Planning |
RCSA Games & Fellowship Night |
Barry Rassin selected to be 2018-19 Rotary presidentBarry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2018-19. He will be declared the president-elect on 1 September if no challenging candidates have been suggested. As president, Rassin aims to strengthen our public image and our use of digital tools to maximize Rotary’s reach. “Those who know what good Rotary clubs do will want to be a part of it, and we must find new models for membership that allow all interested in our mission to participate,” he says. “With Rotary more in the public eye, we will attract more individuals who want to be part of and support a membership organization that accomplishes so much good around the world.” Rassin earned an MBA in health and hospital administration from the University of Florida and is the first fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives in the Bahamas. He recently retired after 37 years as president of Doctors Hospital Health System, where he continues to serve as an adviser. He is a lifetime member of the American Hospital Association and has served on several boards, including the Quality Council of the Bahamas, Health Education Council, and Employer’s Confederation. A Rotarian since 1980, Rassin has served Rotary as director and is vice chair of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. He was an RI training leader and the aide to 2015-16 RI President K.R. Ravindran. Rassin received Rotary's highest honor, the Service Above Self Award, as well as other humanitarian awards for his work leading Rotary’s relief efforts in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake there. He and his wife, Esther, are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation. Rassin’s nomination follows Sam F. Owori’s death in July, just two weeks into his term as Rotary International president-elect. The members of the 2017-18 Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International are Anne L. Matthews (chair), Rotary Club of Columbia East, South Carolina, USA; Ann-Britt Åsebol, Rotary Club of Falun-Kopparvågen, Sweden; Örsçelik Balkan, Rotary Club of Istanbul-Karaköy, Turkey; James Anthony Black, Rotary Club of Dunoon, Argyll, Scotland; John T. Blount, Rotary Club of Sebastopol, California, USA; Frank N. Goldberg, Rotary Club of Omaha-Suburban, Nebraska, USA; Antonio Hallage, Rotary Club of Curitiba-Leste, Paraná, Brazil; Jackson S.L. Hsieh, Rotary Club of Taipei Sunrise, Taiwan; Holger Knaack, Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln, Germany; Masahiro Kuroda, Rotary Club of Hachinohe South, Aomori, Japan; Larry A. Lunsford, Rotary Club of Kansas City-Plaza, Missouri, USA; P.T. Prabhakar, Rotary Club of Madras Central, Tamil Nadu, India; M.K. Panduranga Setty, Rotary Club of Bangalore, Karnataka, India; Andy Smallwood, Rotary Club of Gulfway-Hobby Airport (Houston), Texas, USA; Norbert Turco, Rotary Club of Ajaccio, Corse, France; Yoshimasa Watanabe, Rotary Club of Kojima, Okayama, Japan; and Sangkoo Yun, Rotary Club of Sae Hanyang, Seoul, Korea.
Source: |
District Governor Message for August, 2017
Dear Fellow Rotarians, This Rotary year has already began and the clubs in District 7020 have a year full of plans to Grow Stronger Serve Better with Rotary: Making A Difference in our Community. Why are we Rotarians? This is a question each Rotarian should ask and the answer will be differ- ent for the 1.2 million Rotarians around the world. But what is very interesting is that after many surveys, the most frequent answer is SERVICE followed by enjoying the weekly meetings of the clubs and in a third position is friendship. During the month of August, Rotary International puts emphasis on Membership and invites all clubs to work first on reinforcing existing membership by identifying your club’s weak areas and make the necessary changes to help your club stay relevant for members to become stronger and then encourages growth in the clubs by raising the number of members in our organisation. I know that the clubs in our District have planned to do many activities this month of Membership and many have already inducted new members during the first month of the Rotary year. I want to congratulate all the Presidents who already have increased their membership. Membership is Rotary’s number one internal priority. Let’s take advantage of this month to let people know who we are, let them know about the good we are doing, let people know that Rotarians enjoy being together and working together. Involving your spouse and family in Rotary, assuring the well being of our members and sharing your love for Rotary, will help us recruit new members and keep current ones. During your fellowship events invite potential prospects to be part of this enjoyable moment. Rosa and I have already begun our journey visiting the clubs of our District and have been to 19 clubs since the year began: 15 clubs in the North , Central and Metropolitan area in Haiti and 4 in the Cayman Islands, and as we visit the clubs we have felt welcomed and part of this Rotary family. I must thank and congratulate all of these clubs for their tremendous efforts being done in service and engaging their members. We have seen their projects and the visibility that is given to Rotary in their communities and the pride they have in being Rotarians. During our visit to the 19 clubs we participated in the induction of new members. Great way to start this year and work towards the month of August as Membership & Extension month! During the month of August let us continue to reinforce our clubs with fellowship and look for more quality members, people who have demonstrated good character integrity and leadership; have a good reputation in their business, profession and community. Show them the projects completed and those in place and Invite them to help us serve and make a difference in our community and around the world. With stronger members our clubs will Grow Stronger Serve Better our communities. Robert Leger |
Presidential messageIan H.S. RiseleyPresident 2017-18August 2017When someone asks you, "What is Rotary?" what do you say? I think we've all had the experience of being asked that deceptively simple question and finding ourselves suddenly at a loss for words. Even the most articulate among us have a hard time capturing the essence of our organization in just a few sentences. As an organization, Rotary has always had a difficult time conveying the scope of our work: not just what we do, but how we do it, and the value of what we contribute to the world. As an accountant, I like numbers. They work in every language, and often they communicate complex information much more effectively than words. That is why, in this Rotary year, I am asking each club to provide Rotary headquarters with two numbers: the amount of money, both in cash and in kind, spent on humanitarian service; and the number of hours of work performed in Rotary's name. If we want these numbers to be useful, they have to be accurate. That means beginning now to accurately track the hours and the money that our clubs spend on their service. The simplest way for clubs to provide this information at the end of the year will be by entering it every month on Rotary Club Central – a tool that has been completely rebuilt and relaunched to be significantly more useful, and user-friendly, than it has been in the past. If for some reason (for example, limited internet access) your club is not able to connect to Rotary Club Central, please be in touch with your district governor, who will ensure that your information can be submitted through other means. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the goal of this effort is not getting the largest and most impressive numbers. There is not going to be any competition, recognition, or public use whatsoever of the numbers reported by any individual club. The goal is accurate and reliable numbers that we can present confidently in our public image work, in our membership materials, and to our partners – numbers backed by specific data, on the club level, that answer not only the question, "What is Rotary?" but the question, "What does Rotary do?" I strongly believe that with these numbers, we will be better able to demonstrate the value of Rotary: Making a Difference – which in time will enable us to make more of a difference, for more people, in more ways, than ever. |
RCSA Back to School DriveEach Year the Rotary Club of St. Andrew host a Literacy activity. For September we have decided that one of our activity will be a Back to School Drive with Allman Town Primary School. The Club has a earlyact at the school and has done numerous project. The Back to School Drive will aid students who are sitting the GSAT examination in March 2018. The items will aid the students in their preparation for the exam. We intend to do a formal handover the first week of school. We have asked our members and corporate Jamaica to contribute to the Drive. |
August 2017 - Membership & New Club Development MonthMembership is important to the Rotary Club of St. Andrew. As at August 08, 2017 we have 41 members, two of which is honourary. In August we will see the induction of three new members to our club. As with many clubs across the Rotary network, we are find new and creative ways to engage our membership. The club recently inducted a cohort of younger membership to help with the clubs succession. Our Membership goal is to retain, re-engage and invite. |
Rotary Club of St. Andrew to host Fundraising Fish Fry |
Rotary Club of St. Andrew Committed to ‘Service Above Self’The service efforts of all Rotary Clubs are concentrated in the focus areas set by Rotary International, namely, the promotion of peace through conflict resolution; disease prevention and treatment; water and sanitation; maternal and child care; education and literacy, and economic and community development. |
Don't forget the eBulletin!ClubRunner makes it easy to publish your eBulletin, and send to all your members and friends.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Quote of the Week - Who Said It?We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Mark Your Calendars!Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!